Monday, 17 December 2012

Suspended map

Suspended maps marking paths taken around limerick over the course of my investigation. I wanted to covey the non planed routes taken and thought that suspending a map would be a good way to show how you can feel when you have no direction, also how you can get tangled in an investigation like this as if it were a spiders web.Made with wool, pins and a timber frame.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Pychogeographic Map Mono-Prints

Some mono prints I made marking some wanderings around Limerick city I have done over the past few days.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Pychogeographic artists.

Laura Oldfield Ford
An amazing pychogeographer and artist born in London. She begins her work with a city walk documenting her findings with her interesting and unique drawings. She has a self published magazine/comic and blog Savage Messiah that is a must for anyone interested in pychogeography. In her publications she conjures up an England of socio-political unrest, squat culture, brutalist government, hard-core punks and sentimental pop tunes. Many of her resent works focuses on the areas demolished to make way for the 2012 Olympics. I really enjoy how Ford mixes a pychogeographic derive with fictional story telling to produce a unique element to her art.


Feeling this homeless thing has been done to death and is a real cliché after talking to my tutors last week. Feel another evolution in direction is needed. I had a seminar a few weeks ago on the theory of pychogeography, ever since it has stayed on my mind and it only dawned on me a few nights ago that I have been embroiled in a pychogeographic investigation for the past several weeks. It is an amazingly interesting topic and one that I will definitely look into deeper.

Saturday, 8 December 2012


A 3d sculpting programme called sculptris I was introduced to. Tried to sculpt a homeless man in a void. Took a lot longer than I thought it would, but its a great programme that I will defiantly use in future projects.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Some photoshop investigating the image of the homeless in western society and how they seem part of the urban environments background, like the city pigeon or alley cat.
