Sunday 30 September 2012

Pin hole photography

Pinhole the warped and distortion on the urban environment ...could be a good medium to show how there are many hidden places in a city....

Non place.....

Went out and took a few photos of A few more "non place's" in limerick today....was surprised that a city i thought i knew like the back of my hand can hold so many hidden areas or places that i pass through every day but never "really" look at...want to try and capture this in a different way than digital photography though...

Saturday 29 September 2012

Non Place.......

Went out and took some photos of disused alleys and abandoned buildings and construction called Non places... defiantly going to take a few more tomorrow in the light of day....

Friday 28 September 2012

Marc Augé: Non Place

Marc Augé is a french anthropologist who coined the phrase "Non-Place" to refer to places of transience that do not hold enough significance to be regarded as "places" in an essay and book, "Non Places:Introduction to an Anthropology of Super modernity"(1995), Examples of a non-place would be a motorway, a hotel room, shopping street an airport abandoned buildings or a supermarket....I find this study really interesting as living in any city in Ireland over the past few years of rescission see us surrounded by abandoned shops and buildings....Im going to go around limerick later this evening and investigate local "Non Places" and take some photography......

Moving along.....

Feel like ive taken this prison investigation far enough for the time being but it is defiantly something i shall be revisiting....while looking back on my urban space research last night i hit apon a term "Non Space" that I never really looked into properly before! Its seems pretty interesting and I shall research further into the idea today!!!!

Thursday 27 September 2012

Man in the jar.....

An idea i had while making the wax figure this morning was to bind a figure and suspaend it in a glass vessel to try and express how it might feel to be imprisoned and to show how all prisons dont have walls......this is just a prototype to what ive imagined...if I was to take this further i would make a much better and abstract work....

Wednesday 26 September 2012

The Waxy Man.....

Figure made from linen wire and rope dipped (a few dozen times) in wax then bound in wire. This guy did not turn out as planned but i kind of like the abstract feel to it.....working with wax is defiantly fun but will take a long time to get the hang of id say.....I do like the binding with the a good sense of confinement and constriction...

3D work....

Was feeling a bit stuck at where to bring this next so i thought i might try using some clay to mold some bound figures.....i didn't get the desired result....but i do kind of like the top photo!!.. because they seem to be suspended in darkness....a feeling people would often feel if imprisoned either mentally or physically  Might try using wax tomorrow...a medium i have never used before but i have always been interested to use.....

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Spray paint stencils on imprisonment and confinement....

Spay paint on paper.....starting to think im going down too literal a route with this.....going to have a good think where im going with this tonight.....

Painting on imprisonment...

Painting using acrylic on paper i did investigating imprisonment....

Monday 24 September 2012

Prison tattoos...

Pencil, chalk and charcoal drawings i did concerning prison and tattoos....